Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week 6

Core Value Books
We will be sending home the core value book of the month. This month is RESPECT. When your child brings home the book please take a day or two to read it and talk about it. Then, return it to school for the next student to take home.

Culture Fest:
As you know Grade 2 will be celebrating the Culture Day on September 27th. We still have room for 1 more presentation. These are the countries that we already have confirmed:
          Sweden          Kenya           Egypt           Australia          China          Pakistan Korea
Please, let us know if you have any questions. Here you have the letter with all the information. Thank you so much in advance to all the parents for your time and support.

Room Parents:
2K is looking for a room parent to help coordinate some activities. It’s easy and just a few responsibilities. You only have to help to organize some activities by coordinating all the classroom parents. Please, let us know if you have any question. We will help you to be the best room parent!!!

Important Reminders:
  • Word Work will start coming home. Please take time for your child to show you some cool games he/she has learned over the past few days.
  • Student Leadership
    • 2K: Adam & Zeina
    • 2R: Nour & Travis
    • 2S: Sophie & Stirling

  • All activities began Sunday, Sept. 10. Students should go straight to their ASA location.
  • Production began on Wed. Sept. 6
  • If your child can't attend ASA please notify Ereeny:

Counseling Corner

Our guidance lessons are going to shift from the Skills for Learning unit to the lessons on Empathy. Second graders are learning about their own feelings and the feelings of others which will help them to better control their emotions and be more accepting of their peers.  During guidance time we will be covering Second Step lessons about understanding feelings and emotions.  Students will look at facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and situational clues to better understand how others might be feeling.  Students will also be looking at ways that they can better identify their own feelings by noticing physical clues that happen within their bodies. We will also discuss different strategies for managing feelings in appropriate ways.
We will do this through books, activities and lesson discussions.  This week we read “The Way I Feel” and role play different feelings to support the lesson.

Our Core Value this month is Respect, which fits in with our guidance lessons regarding respectful listening and understanding differences in emotions. You can help support their understanding of respect by asking questions such as:

  1. How can you show respect for yourself?
  2. How do you show respect for your friends?
  3. It is also helpful if you share something that they do that you consider respectful.
Dana Purpura
CAC School Counselor

What’s Going on This Week in Grade 2
Readers’ Workshop
We will wrap up this unit: Taking Charge of My reading. We will review the decoding strategies we covered and review ways to help us comprehend even better. Sometimes minds drifts and as readers we need to pay attention so we can comprehend what we read. Other times we might not understand something and one strategy readers use it to stop, back, up and reread with our minds on! We will also reflect on what we do well as readers and what goals we want to make to ensure we are reading longer and stronger.
Students will also start word study groups soon!
Essential Question:
  • How can I become a strong, independent reader?

Some suggested discussions to do at home:
  • Ask your child how to find a just right book.
  • Discuss some favorite genres and what they like about it.
  • Read and talk about books

Writers’ Workshop
Students will learn that when writers do something new, they don't just try it once and give up. Writers are bold! And they can be bold too. Our writers can try new things in writing even if they're not perfect. Then see what you think. You can ask yourself, "Did it work? or "Should I try it again in a new way?"

Students will also learn that writers ask each other questions and check that their writing is as clear, meaningful, and well crafted as it can be. Writers revise in the company of other writers. And you and your writing partner can do the same.

Essential Question:
  • How can I use the craft moves from a mentor authors' writing?

Some suggested activities you can do at home:
  • Brainstorm topics to write about
  • Talk about small moments vs. a whole event

Math- Module 2: Addition and Subtraction of Lengths
Students will review Module 2 in preparation for the End of Module Assessment.
Key understandings:
  1. Measurement with centimeters
  2. Appropriate every items we can use as tools to measure
  3. Comparing lengths
  4. Using the Read Draw Write procedure to help with word problems
Essential Questions
  • How can tools be used to determine measurement?
  • How can lengths be compared and contrasted?

*Don’t forget to check out Eureka Math at
* Module 2 Parent Tips Letter
Social Studies
Students will continue to research greetings from different countries and record information in a graphic organizer. They will search online using the Culture Crossing website to research greetings from countries such as: Columbia, China, Cuba, United States, Cambodia, Indonesia, South Korea, Russia, Greece, Denmark, Ukraine.

Essential Questions:
  • Are cultures the same?

Some suggested discussions you can have at home:
How can you...
  • show respect for the ideas of others.
  • work collaboratively.


Focus: Respectful behavior especially when working with others, respect in the classroom, at school, at home, and in the community

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