Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 7

Culture Day

I huge thanks to the parents who volunteered for Culture Day this Wednesday! We look forward to learning more about your culture or the places you have lived. Students are excited as well. Be sure to ask them about their learning when they return from school.

Here are a few pictures from 2K of our students practicing a variety of greetings.

Core Value Books
We will be sending home the core value book of the month. This month is RESPECT. When your child brings home the book please take a day or two to read it and talk about it. Then, return it to school for the next student to take home.

Room Parents:
The leadership team has chosen the room parents for all three classrooms in Grade 2:
2K - Linda Cederblad (Astrid’s mom)
2R - Ahmed El Kilany (Zaiden’s dad)
2S - Rajaa Berrada (Amanda’s mom)

Important Reminders:
Monday, September 25th will be an Early Release Day and all the students will be dismissed at 11:30. No After School Activities on that day.

All health records need to be submitted by September 28 and after this date, students without updated records cannot attend school.  We are hoping we do not have to send any students home. The health office will share a live link with each class so they know who has missing records.

Half-day on Monday, September 25
Students will be dismissed at 11:30

The swim unit has finished. Students are now on ball skills and jump rope. Remember to check your child’s schedule and send them with PE uniform on both PE classes for the week.

  • No After School Activities on Monday, September 25th.
  • If your child can't attend ASA please notify Ereeny:

What’s Going on This Week in Grade 2
Readers’ Workshop
This week we will begin Unit 2: Characters Face Bigger Challenges, Part One: Getting to Know Our Characters’ Wants and Troubles. Students will learn to name a trait or two about the character, talk about how the main characters feel about the problem, and what they do because of the problem. We will continue to work on Increasing fluency and intonation.

Readers will learn that as we go forward in our reading of a book, we carry and build an understanding of who the characters are. In the beginning of our books, we hold in our heads the information we learned from reading the blurb. As we read, we begin to add new information about the setting and characters’ lives. We read on, expecting that soon, a problem will show up.

Essential Question:
  • When reading fiction stories, what can I do to be sure I understand the main characters' problems?

Some suggested discussions to do at home:
  • Ask your child to retell the story
  • Talk about the problem(s) and solution(s) the character has

Writers’ Workshop
This week we will begin Unit 2: Gripping Fictional Stories with Meaning and Significance. Students will learn about elaborating about a character with details, talk, and action. They will learn about choosing strong words to make a picture in the reader’s mind. We will continue to talk about using grade level spelling patterns and word wall words correctly. And we will discuss how to use quotation marks and apostrophes properly.

Students will start word study soon so be on the lookout for spelling flash cards. Students are about ready to teach you the games we have learned.

Essential Question:
  • How can I write detailed, focused, gripping fictional narratives, drawing on all I've learned about this kind of writing?
  • Where do authors get their ideas?
  • How do good writers HOOK the reader?

Some suggested activities you can do at home:
  • Generate ideas to write about by talking about a small moment and talk about what the people did, said, or felt.

Math- Module 3: Place Value Counting- Numbers to 1000

Module 2 assessment will be sent home this week. Please review it with your child, sign it and return it as soon as you can. The assessment covers what we have learned this module and was discussed in the previous Blogs. Students will talk about their two stars and a wish to review his or her strengths and challenges.

In module 3, students learn to develop a deeper understanding of counting and place value. Students will form Base Ten units of 10s, 100s, and a 1,000 with hands-on activities. Students will learn to bundle and count ones, tens, and hundreds to 1,000 using straws. Then they will learn to draw to represent those numbers. We will also practice counting up and down between 100-220 using ones and tens.  Counting around benchmark numbers (multiples of 10s and 100s) will be reviewed and we encourage you to practice this at home as well. You can make a fun game out of it by using rhythm or happy counting (give a number count up when the thumb is up, stop when hand shows stop and countdown when the thumb is down).

Essential Questions
  • How can a number be represented in different ways?
  • How does the position of the digits in a number affect its value?

Key understandings of Module 3:
  1. I can explain the value of each digit in a three digit number.
  2. I can explain how ten tens can be put together to form a hundred.
  3. I can explain the value of each digit in a three digit number.
  4. I can explain how all the hundreds are related to one another because they have no ones or tens.
  5. I can skip count by 5's, 10's, or 100's up to 1000 and starting at any number.
  6. I can read and write any number from 1 to 1000 in "regular" form, words, or expanded form.
  7. I can correctly compare 3-digit numbers using >, =, and < by observing the value of their digits.

*Don’t forget to check out Eureka Math at
* Module 3 Parent Tips Letter
Social Studies
Students will discuss and act out the different greetings they researched about. We also will have our Culture day where several parents have volunteered to come in and teach about their culture. We are excited to share the learning experience with our parents. Also, we want to thank the volunteers in advance for your time and care!

Essential Questions:
  • Are cultures the same?

Some suggested discussions you can have at home:
How can you...
  • show respect for the ideas of others.
  • work collaboratively.


Focus: Respectful behavior especially when working with others, respect in the classroom, at school, at home, and in the community

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