Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week 17

Winter Celebrations
As we are planning for the last day of school which includes a house event, winter parties and culminating in a winter assembly at the end of the day, we hope you will all be here to join in the fun! If you can’t, we would appreciate knowing if you are planning to take your child/ren away at an earlier date. Please inform your classroom teacher.
“Christmas around the world” will be the theme of our Winter assembly. Grade 2 students will sing a German song that you can find here to help your child practice. Thanks in advance for your support.

Important Dates
  • Dec. 4 - Early Release Day (All students dismissed at 11:30 am)
  • Tuesday, Dec. 19, will be a Thursday schedule
  • Dec. 21 - ES Winter Assembly (2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)
  • Dec 22 - Jan 13 Winter Break. School resumes Jan 14

Professional Development
Ms. Shanon will be out this week due to attending Professional Development at the Teacher College in NY. She will be back December 10th. Mrs. Heba Mohamed will be substituting for the full week for consistency. If you have any questions email Mrs. Heba at  and she will be in contact with Ms. Shanon if need.

Core Value Books
The core value for December and January  is INTEGRITY. We will be sending home the core value book with the theme of integrity: The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade. Please read it with your child, then return it to school for the next student to take home.

Students have customized lessons on Mathletics, please encourage your children to go on Mathletics to complete activities. Do not hesitate to send an email to your kid’s teacher if they have any problem working in the website.

What’s Going on This Week in Grade 2

Readers’ Workshop
Our readers will be synthesizing information across texts and showcasing their new learning by creating posters to teach others.

Essential Question:
  • How can I let the nonfiction books I read be my teachers, so that all the pages and pictures of those books teach me about a topic?
  • How can I read nonfiction books with so much power that they turn me into an expert on my topic?

Some suggested discussions to do at home:
  • Read to learn and develop wonder about the world.
  • Reread books for fluency and intonation.
  • Using nonfiction features to find key facts and information.
  • Talk about illustrations and how pictures clarify text or provide informational content

Writers’ Workshop
Our writers’ have a lot to say about the world. Students are writing about how to care for dogs, all about frogs, soccer, and other such topics. This week students will continue to edit and revise their books getting ready to publish so that they can teach the readers in a clear and exciting way.

Essential Question:
  • How can I add more information to my book once I already put down all that I know about the topic?

Some suggested activities you can do at home:
  • Talk about nonfiction topics that interest your child
  • Talk more about what you know about that topic

Math- Module 4: Adding and Subtracting Within 200
This week students will use subtraction with and without the decomposition when there is a three-digit minuend. On Wednesday we will review and Thursday will be our Mid-module assessment.
Some of the objectives are:

  • Subtracting using the Vertical Form
  • Decomposing tens into ones while subtracting
  • Relating drawings to a written method
  • Solve one and two-step word problems within 100 using strategies based on place value

Essential Questions
  • How can strategies help me to quickly add and subtract?
  • How do I explain my mathematical thinking and why is that important?
Key understandings of Module 4:
  1. I can add or subtract any two numbers between 0 and 100 within a one and two step word problem.
  2. I can explain my arithmetic using drawings and equations (with symbols for the "unknown")
  3. I can EASILY add and subtract any two numbers from 0 to 100.
  4. I can add up to four 2-digit numbers using a variety of strategies
  5. I can add and subtract numbers from 0 to 1000 using different strategies based on place value and regrouping
  6. I can mentally add or subtract 10 and 100 from any number from 100 to 900
  7. I can explain why various addition or subtraction strategies work using numbers, drawings, or objects.

*Don’t forget to check out Eureka Math at
*Module 4 Parent Tips Letter
We are working on our unit: Leap into Space. Students will watch a video about the Earth and the moon and come up with questions they have.

Essential Questions:
  • What do we know about our place in space?
  • What is our solar system and how do we fit in it?

Some suggested discussions you can have at home:
  • Discuss the solar system using unit vocabulary:
stars, star color, star brightness, moon, lunar, sun, sun's position, sun's size, solar, Earth, Earth's rotation, cycles, revolve, position, orbit, axis, phases, sky patterns, phases of the moon, solar system, telescope
  • Discuss how patterns in the sky remain stable but appear to move because of the Earth’s motion.

Focus: Displaying integrity especially when working with others, in the classroom, at school, at home, and in the community.

Growth Mindset Questions

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